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У казахстанского игрока «Agrobot_388Z» конфисковали $250К

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Напомню, игрок из Казахстана по ником «Agrobot_388Z» выиграл в двух турнирах на PokerStars (Red Spade Open и Sunday Million) $450,000. Об этом мы сообщали в этой теме.
На форуме 2+2 создана тема самого «Agrobot_388Z», который рассказал, что у него из выигранной суммы конфисковали $250,000.

Расследование длилось 3 месяца и как утверждает Давид (это его имя), все необходимые документы он отослал. И даже, для подтверждения своей личности, провел видеоконференцию с сотрудником службы поддержки PokerStars.

Покер-рум, взяв во внимание всю предоставленную информацию, принял решение конфисковать $250К, которые оставались на счету, обвинив его в нарушении следующих пунктов «Условия предоставления услуг» (см. ниже).


Одним словом, кто-то параллельно с его аккаунтом на Full Tilt "DDL666" во время последнего заноса, играл с того-же IP, но под другим ником на РS.

5.2. ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНОЕ ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЕ. Услуга предназначена исключительно для индивидуального использования Пользователем. Пользователь вправе исключительно делать ставки для своего личного развлечения. Ни при каких обстоятельствах Пользователь не вправе использовать свой «счет с реальными деньгами» (real money account), открытый в PokerStars, для любой иной цели помимо использования Услуги. Пользователь обязан предоставить полную и достоверную информацию в отношении всех деталей и информации, предоставляемых Пользователем PokerStars, при этом Пользователь обязан уточнять информацию, предоставленную Пользователем компании PokerStars, в случае каких-либо ее изменений.

8.1. Без ограничения любых других прав, если Пользователь нарушает полностью или частично какое-либо положение настоящего Соглашения, PokerStars или любая другая компания, входящая в Группу компаний и предоставляющая услуги Пользователю, оставляет за собой право на принятие необходимых по ее мнению мер, включая разрыв данного Соглашение или любого другого соглашения, заключенного с Пользователем, немедленное блокирование доступа Пользователя к Услуге или любым другим услугам, предоставляемым Группой, удаление учетной записи Пользователя на Веб-сайте или любых других веб-сайтах, которыми управляет Группа, конфискация всех средств, имеющихся на счете Пользователя на Веб-сайте или других веб-сайтах, которыми управляет Группа, и/или принятие других мер юридического характера против такого Пользователя.

8.2. Вы соглашаетесь полностью освободить от ответственности, обеспечить защиту и гарантировать возмещение PokerStars, Группе и ее акционерам, директорам и сотрудникам в отношении всех притязаний, требований, обязательств, ущерба, убытков, расходов и издержек, включая судебные издержки и любые другие издержки, независимо от причин их возникновения, которые могут быть понесены в результате:
a. Вашего полного или частичного нарушения настоящего Соглашения;
b. нарушения Вами какого-либо закона или прав каких-либо третьих лиц; а также
c. использования Услуги Вами или каким-либо другим лицом, получившим доступ к Услуге с помощью Вашей Регистрационной информации (в соответствии с приведенным ниже определением), независимо от того, было это санкционировано Вами или нет.

И в конце было сказано, что он больше не сможет играть на PokerStars или Full Tilt Poker.

Вот здесь обвинения - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/showpost.php?p=43071539&postcount=12
Здесь начало темы - http://forumserver.twoplustwo.com/28/internet-poker/account-banned-250-000-seized-pokerstars-1438663/

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Одним словом, кто-то параллельно с его аккаунтом на Full Tilt "DDL666" во время последнего заноса, играл с того-же IP, но под другим ником на РS.


КЭП, призываю. с аккаунта фтп на пс? чозах

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А ты всё ещё играешь на PokerStars ?
Печально конечно, хорошо хоть 200 к $ за 3 месяца успел вывести

Изменено пользователем AntonL.KZ

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А ты всё ещё играешь на PokerStars ?

Печально конечно, хорошо хоть 200 к $ за 3 месяца успел вывести

или проиграл.


Мораль: всегда, при любых условиях - играй только на одном аккаунте, и никогда не давай другим "сыграть один турик", "доиграть" и т.д...

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Hello David

We are writing to inform you that your account has been temporarily disabled as after an initial investigation, evidence has come to our attention suggesting that the following accounts may have been accessed by players other than their registered owners. In order to collect your feedback, we would like to ask you to please explain your relationship to the accounts mentioned below:


We would like to also ask you to please elaborate on your answer; a response such as they are friends or relatives will not be sufficient, please provide us specific details as to their names and their relationship with you. In addition, we kindly request that you answer the following questions:

- Have the previously listed accounts been accessed by someone other than their registered owner?

- Have you ever accessed or played on a PokerStars account other than your own? If so, please provide details.

- Have you allowed someone else to use your account? If so, please provide details.

- Do you have any information that you would like us to take into account?

Please be aware that our records are precise, and we kindly request your cooperation so we may resolve this issue in a prompt matter. An explanation which does not match our data or any attempt to conceal the situation can result in permanent account suspension.

We respectfully ask that you respond within 48 hours. In the event that no response has been received within that time frame, we will take appropriate action without your contribution.

Thank you for your prompt cooperation.


Mabell B.
PokerStars Game Integrity Team


Yes, I know these players.
Agrobot_388Z is my account.

I don't know about other accounts.
I never accessed and played another account on PS.
I never allowed anybody to get access to my account.
How can I help you more?


Hello David,

Thank you for your email.

We appreciate your prompt and detailed response. It will be taken into account as we complete the review.

The review process can take several days as we must now send the results of the investigation to be reviewed by Game Integrity Management to ensure accuracy. Once we receive the final results of your case we will notify you as soon as possible. These procedures are in place to assure that the decision is fair to all involved.

Thank you for your patience.


Mabell B.
PokerStars Game Integrity Team


What about my account?
If you wish I can confirm my identity via skype video call.



What is my account status?


Hello David,

Thank you for your email.

We will contact you via skype video call at 21:30 Kazakhstan time on Thursday 27th February.

Please add contact 'psgamesecurity' to your skype contact as soon as possible, or let us know your skype userID and we will add you as a contact.

Failure to speak to make yourself available to speak to us at this time will result in closure of your PokerStars account and forfeiture of any funds in this account.

We look forward to hearing back from you confirming your availability for our call.


Senior Manager, PokerStars Game Integrity Team

Hello David,

We would like to thank you for your availability and cooperation during our last phone call.

We are writing to inform you that after the conversation you had with one of our colleagues, we have performed further reviews on your account and those related to clarify certain details.

After this additional investigation, evidence has come to our attention confirming that your Full Tilt Poker account 'DDL666' and the PokerStars account XXXXXXXXXXX have logged in to our services from the same computer and same internet connection, thus being active at the same time from the same location in several occasions. As a result, we must ask you to please provide an explanation about this matter.

Please be aware that our records are precise, and we kindly request your cooperation so we may resolve this issue in a prompt matter. An explanation which does not match our data or any attempt to conceal the situation can result in permanent account suspension.

We respectfully ask that you respond within 48 hours. In the event that no response has been received within that time frame, we will take appropriate action without your contribution.

Thank you for your prompt cooperation.


Mabell B.
PokerStars Game Integrity Team


Actually XXXXXXXXXXX might had access to my FTP account 'DDL666'
I asked him to comment on this matter.
XXXXX promised me to mail you in short time.


Hello David,

We are writing to advise of the results of our investigation into your account.

Our investigation has taken into account all the information available to us, including information that you provided, technical data from PokerStars records, and other information.

PokerStars has found that your account was used in breach of the following extract of our Terms of Service:

5.2. PERSONAL USE. The Service is intended solely for the User's personal use. The User is only allowed to wager for his/her personal entertainment. Under no circumstances shall a User be permitted to use his/her "real money account" with PokerStars for any purpose other than for using the Service. The User must provide full and truthful information in respect of all details and information provided by the User to PokerStars and the User is obligated to update such details in the event of any change thereto. A User may only have one account with PokerStars and shall only use the Service using such single account. Furthermore a User shall not permit another person to use the Service via his account.

You may read our Terms of Service in full at:


When deciding how to respond to this situation this extract from Section 8.1 & 8.2 of our Terms of Service outlines the possible resolutions available for PokerStars:

8.1. Without prejudice to any other rights, if a User breaches in whole or in part any provision contained herein, PokerStars or any other company within the Group which provides services to the User reserves the right to take such action as it sees fit, including terminating this Agreement or any other agreement in place with the User, immediately blocking the User’s access to the Service or to any other service offered by the Group, terminating such User's account on the Site or on any other site operated by the Group, seizing all monies held in the User’s account on the Site or on any other site operated by the Group and/or taking legal action against such User.

8.2. You agree to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless PokerStars, the Group and its shareholders, directors and employees from and against all claims, demands, liabilities, damages, losses, costs and expenses, including legal fees and any other charges whatsoever, howsoever caused, that may arise as a result of:

a. your breach of this Agreement, in whole or in part;
b. violation by you of any law or any third party rights; and
c. use by you of the Service or use by any other person accessing the Service using your Login Credentials (as defined below) , whether or not with your authorization.

It is PokerStars' view that your breach of our Terms of Service caused harm to other players. Consequently, we will be exercising our rights under Section 8.1 of our Terms of Service. As a result, we advise that:

1) PokerStars will close the accounts that you have used on PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker.

2) Indefinitely cease your account activity on PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker.

3) Your associates listed as owning the other involved accounts are now barred from playing at PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker in the future.

4) Close associates of either yourself or the owners of the other involved accounts are now barred from playing at PokerStars or Full Tilt Poker in the future.

5) PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker will be seizing the funds (and frequent player points) from the accounts that were used to perpetrate these rules breach.

6) PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker compensate players who played against the account 'Agrobot_388Z' and 'DDL666'. Those players were at a disadvantage as a result of your breach of our Terms of Service.

7) PokerStars and Full Tilt Poker will apply the balance seized from these accounts (including converting the FPPs to money) to compensate the victims of this activity.

We trust that this rather lengthy email explains PokerStars' position on the matter. We believe that this represents a fair outcome that adequately enforces PokerStars' rules and protects the interests of all players.

You are, unfortunately, no longer welcome to play on PokerStars or Full Tilt Poker.

Note: Please do not attempt to create any other accounts as doing so is a violation of our terms of service. If we discover a new account it will be closed without notice, you will be liable for any loss that could occur and the remaining funds could be confiscated.


Mabell B.
PokerStars Game Integrity Team


It is very unfair and frustrating decision.
I use Agrobot_388Z only by myself.
And I have never gave anybody access to it.
I understand that I breached FTP TOS.
But could you exactly explain what violation of Poker Strars TOS I made according to my PS account Agrobot_388Z?
And what exactly was my unfair advantage at PS as a result of this violation?


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Ok I breached FT ToS.
I gave friend of mine access to my FT account (few years ago btw).
But why should my PS account be banned right now with all winnings?
Its two different sites, with two different ToS.
Its two different accounts.
What is exactly my violation of PS ToS bearing on Agrobot_388Z?
And is this confiscation quite adequate to my guilty?

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вообще ситуация капец неприятная,

Особенно если они расследовали какие-то случаи 2-3 летней давности...

А использовать консолидированные данные с обоих румов в расследовании по аккаунту PS это вообще ад.

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Зажучили себе 250 к старзы
 Написали , что средства пойдут на возмещение другим игрокам, то есть по сути должны каждого на +1 место поднять. Но никто из участников финального стола не получил ни цента компенсации, с 2+2

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Ибо не х**

   Если внимательно изучить правила PS и рассматривать их со стороны руководства PS, то при желании до 80%+ игроков можно дое...ься

Изменено пользователем AntonL.KZ

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Ребят давайте будем откровенны, если кто-то будет мультиакаунтить, это не очень честно в отношении каждого из нас. Это сильно увеличивает преимущество. Для PS 250к это тьфу, они не будут делать это в целях наживы. хз кто как я за fair play.

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мне тоже интересно, одна мысль, если все так как пишет пакс,


агробот  сам создал на кого то из семьи  - акк на фултилте (кстати акк мог быть создан им давно), после чего создал акк на PS ?  FTP привязал его к ПС? вариантов масса.  и шпилил на двух РС (виртуалку в расчет не берем)


Изменено пользователем 0126354

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